The Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) sets out a continuous improvement strategy which includes objectives for States to meet through the implementation of effective safety oversight systems, State safety programmes (SSPs) and the development of advanced safety oversight systems, including predictive risk management. The GASP also sets out timelines for the global collective achievement of these near-, mid- and long-term objectives. These timelines are aligned with the established update process for the GASP and the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP), which are revised on a triennial basis. The GASP is a high level, strategic, planning and implementation policy document developed in conjunction with the Global Air Navigation Plan (Doc 9750). Both documents promote coordination of international, regional and national initiatives aimed at delivering a harmonized, safe and efficient international civil aviation system.
The GASP has significantly changed since its introduction in 1997, and has evolved through continuous consultation and review. The 2014-2016 edition was published in 2013 and included GASP objectives for States to achieve through the implementation of an effective safety oversight system, a State safety programme (SSP) and safety capabilities necessary to support future aviation systems. This 2017-2019 edition updates the GASP to include a global aviation safety roadmap developed to support an integrated approach to implementation.